Office Pop Flops

Office Pop Flops

We want to show you everything that happens in the office, yes even the little things. Not all pops are big and require a splash mask... these are the Office Pop Flops! The pops we thought were going to be juuuust a little bigger! Enjoy!

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Office Pop Flops
  • Office Pop Flops: Secret Whitehead

    We want to show you everything that happens in the office, yes even the little things. Not all pops are big and require a splash mask and some are just not what we expected...these are the Office Pop Flops!

    A whitehead or a closed comedo (single for comedone), unlike a blackhead, is a completely...

  • Office Pop Flops: A Punchy Neck Cyst

    A pop that didn't go quite as planned but still we per-cysted!

    An epidermoid cyst is a non-cancerous growth commonly found on the skin of the face or neck, but can occur anywhere on the body. Just as its name suggests, these cysts occur as a result of epidermal cells, cells from the top layer o...

  • Office Pop Flop: A Couple GOOD Blackheads

    Found a couple of GOOD blackheads... the best way to begin the weekend!

  • Office Pop Flops: From Bump to Halle Berry Lipoma

    We want to show you everything that happens in the office, yes even the little things. Not all pops are big and require a splash mask... these are the 'Office Pop Flops'! The first installment is a lipoma removal and a transformation all in one! Meet the Halle Berry Lipoma!

    Lipomas are slow-gro...

  • Office Pop Flops: A Tagalong Cyst on the Back

    Part 2 of the "Red Rubber Ball Lipoma!" This patient came in with two pops for us #popaholics to enjoy!

    Part 1: